Day Management – Count & Cooper Christmas Party
Day Management of an event – if it is not your job – is intense. You have completely planned your company party/kick-off/customer dinner, and now it is the day of your event. Everything comes together, a hundred puzzle pieces have to fall into place. That is quite something. On top of all that work stress, you hardly get a chance to enjoy your event. We were given the opportunity to create exactly this for a customer. For us, this event was a gem because everything had to be pulled out of our bag of tricks in a very limited amount of time.
Lees verderLast Minute Event – IkPasLive Cafe
Time is every event manager’s worst enemy; if you’re looking for a challenge, do a last-minute event. Although a short period of time from preparation to implementation increases the stakes, it also provides extra energy. This is an event to sink your teeth into.
Lights, camera, ACTION!
Lees verderMulti Events – AAIC
Multi Events: multiple days, multiple locations, multiple starting points, but also common denominators. The same customer for a similar audience and paid from the same budget, so that’s a lot of balls in the air. How do you focus the events on their own purpose but under the same umbrella? How do you take on the specific challenges of each individual event? That is a fun trial that we have taken on together with Ovation Holland DMC and a large number of other partners for the Alzheimer Association International Conference 2023 (AAIC 2023).
Lees verderCompany Party Entertainment – Guerrilla
When spring comes around the corner, it’s time for a company party. So we pull out our best company party entertainment for our clients.
Your company party is the time to celebrate and thank your employees for their efforts in the past year and to ring in the summer. After all, what is a company without the people who keep things running? With great pleasure, we have put together an awesome program for Guerrilla at the Thuishaven in Amsterdam.
Exhibition Entertainment – KubeCrawl
Arranging entertainment for almost 35,000 m2 of exhibition space is no small task. It is a challenge that we gladly accepted for The Linux Foundation during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023.
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s conference gathers users and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in their annual event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023. To stimulate solidarity and networking, the KubeCrawl + CloudNativeFest was organized on one evening of the conference. In Amsterdam (2023), we were allowed to provide the entertainment for this.
Lees verderRed Bull Unlocked – A’DAM Toren
Het ultieme feestje met 12 iconische clubs onder één dak. Iconische clubs Red Bull Unlocked. Ieder van deze iconische clubs host een stage tijdens Red Bull Unlocked. Bam! Alles in één onder het dak van de A’DAM Toren.
Lees verderOpening YVIE Toren – Online event
De skyline van Amsterdam ziet er door twee gloednieuwe torens straks weer anders uit. De gebouwen komen naast de A’DAM toren te staan en krijgen de naam Yvie. In samenwerking met SBV Events en Live Legends werd de opening op een spectaculaire manier uitgevoerd waar heel Amsterdam van kon meegenieten!
Lees verderProductlancering Swapfiets – Power 1
Een broadcast event voor internationale media. De productlancering van de Power 1: Een nieuwe e-bike die een boost moet geven aan de definitieve doorbraak van de elektrische fiets bij het grote publiek in Europa.
Lees verderKenniscentrum inclusieve en sociale werkgelegenheid – Online congres: Waardevolwerk / Werkvolwaarde
“Hoe organiseer je waardevol werk voor iedereen?” Die vraag stond centraal tijdens het congres ‘Waardevolwerk / Werkvolwaarde’ vanuit het Kenniscentrum inclusieve en sociale werkgelegenheid. Sprekers uit de praktijk lieten zien hoe zij dagelijks bezig zijn met het antwoord op deze vraag. Door de inzet van inclusieve technologie, praktijkleren en simpel switchen bijvoorbeeld.
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