dag management


Day Management - Count & Cooper Christmas Party

Day Management of an event – if it is not your job – is intense. You have completely planned your company party/kick-off/customer dinner, and now it is the day of your event. Everything comes together, a hundred puzzle pieces have to fall into place. That is quite something. On top of all that work stress, you hardly get a chance to enjoy your event. We were given the opportunity to create exactly this for a customer. For us, this event was a gem because everything had to be pulled out of our bag of tricks in a very limited amount of time.

Day Management

The case

For the Count & Cooper Christmas party in the beautiful Royal Tropical Institute, we stepped in at the end of the process and help take care of the day management, so that even the internal organization committee could enjoy their own staff party. A month before the event, we were swooped in to immerse ourself into the project and take it over. That pressure is something that we as event managers can easily turn into hyper productivity.

In the eye of the storm

Naturally, as an event manager, you cannot arrive on the day itself and “just” take over the day management. There is a process beforehand. With a few strategically placed meetings and a laundry list of questions, it was easy to map out the state of affairs. Then it was a matter of prioritizing outstanding items with the customer, the location, technology and (our own) entertainment. Then, all we had to do was to complete those items, make decisions and bundle all decisions in a script. That way everyone knows where they stand and what is expected of them on the day itself.

The event

On the day of the event, it was important for the Count & Cooper party organisation committee that they could participate in the festivities with all colleagues, so we took over all contact with third parties and, apart from a final walk-through before the event, also took over all other responsibilities. All key parts of event organization came together. Seeing this pyramid built according to plan is why we do what we love.

Dag Management
Dag Manegement

Day host

What made this event extra fun for us was the need for a day host.

A complete event with a reception, dinner and party in different rooms and also a program with speeches, videos and more created the need for a day host. Someone who kept an eye on the time pushed the program forward and kept the people engaged. Someone in the foreground. As an event manager, we are often the most important component behind the scenes, keeping everything in check while the real event happens in the foreground. The day host must also be in the foreground to direct people and is a driving force for the program. It rarely happens that we get that chance to be in the foreground, but it is always nice. Something that strengthens the bond with the customer and guests and certainly also our enjoyment of the job.

What our customers say

“The Eventfabriek, with Esther de Waard in particular, took many tasks out of the hands of the Count & Cooper Christmas team in the final sprint of the preparation, linked the third parties and components together, to ensure a successful and legendary Christmas party at the Royal Institute of the Tropics to conclude our anniversary!”

Jack Geerlings | Senior Project Lead | Count & Cooper 2023

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Dag Management
Dag Management
Dag Management
Dag Management
Dag Management


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